Kemp Athletic Boosters host 4th-annual golf tournament

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Kemp Athletic Boosters host 4th-annual golf tournament

Wed, 06/26/2024 - 15:14
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Courtesy Photo/Kemp Athletic Booster Club Facebook
The Kemp Athletic Booster Club holds its annual golf tournament June 17 at Cedar Creek Country Club, with the first-place team comprised of Jay Koohlmeier, Chandler Bawcum, Brandon Shipp and John Brooks.

secondCourtesy Photo/Kemp Athletic Booster Club Facebook
The second-place Kemp Athletic Booster Club golf tournament team June 17 includes Brandon Teel, Kirk Miller, Daniel Teel and Wesley Moore.

3rdCourtesy Photo/Kemp Athletic Booster Club Facebook
The third-place Kemp Athletic Booster Club golf tournament team June 17 features Jonathan Mitchell, Larry Johnson, Keith Foisey and Chris Miller.